General Agents Acceptance Corporation chooses Input 1 Payments as its digital payment platform

General Agents Acceptance Corporation chooses Input 1 Payments as its digital payment platform

General Agents Acceptance Corporation (GAAC), a leading regional premium finance company, has announced that it has chosen Input 1 Payments to process credit and debit card payments for its premium finance business.

The insurance industry comprises multiple sectors, each with its nuances. The premium financing sector provides policyholders with flexible installment payment terms that allow them to significantly reduce upfront expenses, strategically leverage their capital resources and purchase the coverage they need amidst rising policy costs. GAAC wanted to find a payment solution provider within the insurance and premium finance space that understood the market and could work with its existing technology provider to achieve a seamless integration. With Input 1’s knowledge and expertise, GAAC was able to integrate the Input 1 payment solution in less than 90 days.

“We researched the available payment platforms in the insurance industry and quickly realized that Input 1 Payments was the platform that met all our needs,” said Sharon Friedson, President of GAAC. “What I particularly appreciated about Input 1 is that they were not trying to sell us a full-blown management solution but rather help us address our specific needs. We didn’t need to explain our business to Input 1; they easily understood our challenges and provided the best solution to meet those needs. They knew exactly what we needed and they delivered.”

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