
RSA becomes first UK insurer to implement cloud solution for claims 

RSA Insurance has announced the launch of its new and enhanced broker and customer claims portal. Powered by Guidewire, a global leader in insurance platform software, RSA is the first UK insurer to implement the...

Why the need for insurance firms to innovate cannot be overstated 

For firms operating in the insurance industry, transactional volumes and associated data is growing year-on-year. But managing this growth with spreadsheets presents an operational inefficiency as the industry...

Putting easy access to insurance at everyone’s fingertips: Dootrix announces s...

Microsoft Azure specialist Dootrix, has announced a strategic partnership with to streamline its mobile insurance app and provide a roadmap of new features to enhance the user experience.  Leveraging...

Admiral selects Google Cloud to accelerate innovative customer experiences 

Admiral, a leading financial services company in the UK and part of the Admiral Group, has selected Google Cloud as a strategic cloud partner.   Under the terms of the agreement, Admiral’s core...

How is data analytics expected to impact decision-making in the FinTech...

Introducing this month’s question with insight into auto insurers, AI and data is Simon Axon, EMEA Financial Services Industry Consulting Director at Teradata.  Navigating a perilous road  It is a tough time to be...

Why adaptability is critical to insurance transformation 

Traditionally, insurers have oriented their businesses around product lines. However, to meet the gulf in needs of the modern consumer and confront the myriad crippling headwinds the industry faces, a shift is needed;...

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