
Spanish mobile industry to launch online anti-fraud and identity services...

Spain’s leading mobile operators Orange, Telefonica and Vodafone have announced the launch of two new services designed to help developers tackle online fraud and protect the digital identities of mobile c...

GoTab’s phone-only point-of-sale  

GoTab’s new Phone Only POS (POP) fits in every pocket because it is just a phone (any phone, in fact) without the need for a card reader.  Benefits include days of battery life, an OLED display on a compact ...

Richard Carter, the Founder of Lopay 

2024 will be the year tap-to-pay technology becomes truly embedded in the way small businesses and sole traders take payments.  Millions of people already manage their entire life through their smartphone,...

Central Bank of Egypt issues new decrees to support the digital...

Within the framework of Egypt’s Vision 2030 to support digital transformation, the Central Bank of Egypt’s Board of Directors issued a set of decrees that include exempting customers from all fees and commissions rel...

Schwab launches thinkorswim ‘Guest Pass’ 

Schwab has announced the launch of thinkorswim Guest Pass, a programme that provides 30-day trial access to the thinkorswim trading platform suite without the need for a Schwab account. The firm also announced a new...

Revolut launches Mobile Wallets, allowing for faster transfers across the...

Revolut, the global financial super app with more than 35 million customers worldwide, has launched Mobile Wallets, a new quick and easy option to sending money abroad.   Mobile Wallets redefines remittance...

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