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African Development Bank to launch public financial management academy to...

The African Development Bank has approved the creation of a virtual academy to build public financial management capacity in African countries. Countries will receive technical assistance through structured, targeted,...

Anti-fraud e-commerce platform arrives in Brazil in partnership with ICTS...

ICTS Protiviti, a consulting firm specializing in governance, risk and compliance, is expanding its ecosystem of anti-fraud solutions for e-commerce by joining forces with Riskified, a fraud management platform used...

MinCiencias and CRC to finance research and development projects

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MinCiencias) and the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) has presented the results of the inaugural New Knowledge, Technological Development and Innovation...

SAS is a leader in anti-money laundering says research firm report

SAS has been named a leader in anti-money laundering solutions by Forrester. The Forrester Wave: Anti-Money-Laundering Solutions, Q3 2022 evaluates the industry’s 15 most significant anti-money laundering (AML) technology p...

Finastra and HSBC collaborate to bring Banking-as-a-Service FX capability to...

Finastra and HSBC have announced that they are working together to distribute HSBC’s FX services via Finastra’s platform under a Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS)...

The ATM revolution and the hybrid world

Elias Rogério da Silva, President of Diebold Nixdorf Brazil, addresses the technological evolutions of the banking industry, emphasizing its pioneering position about the adoption of innovations. Those who closely ...

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