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How fraudsters attack blockchain technology and how it can be...

Here, Ralph Chammah, CEO at OwlGaze, outlines how fraudsters attack the blockchain and how organisations can overcome these threats.  The global financial crisis of 2008-09 resulted in the development of the Bitcoin ...

General Agents Acceptance Corporation chooses Input 1 Payments as its digital...

General Agents Acceptance Corporation (GAAC), a leading regional premium finance company, has announced that it has chosen Input 1 Payments to process credit and debit card payments for its premium finance business....

Reinforcing trusted advisor status through technology...

Technology can play a leading role for accountants looking to strengthen their tax guidance with regards to Research and Development (R&D) Tax Claims. Mike Dean, Managing Director of WhisperClaims, explains how...

Landsbankinn leveraged Denodo to enable self-service analytics and a data...

Landsbankinn needed to streamline its data infrastructure and integrate more than 45 data sources, so implemented a logical data warehouse using the Denodo Platform. Davíð Jóhannsson, Head of Information Intelligence at La...

Emirates Islamic launches cash back campaign to incentivise SME trade...

Emirates Islamic, one of the leading Islamic financial institutions in the UAE, has launched its ‘Trade More, Earn More’ campaign to incentivise small- and medium-sized businesses to use the bank’s trade solutions suite...

Qashio and Alinma Bank to rollout solutions to KSA customers

Qashio has entered an exclusive partnership with Alinma Bank, one of the youngest and fast-growing banks in KSA, to launch its operations in the Kingdom. This is one of the first times that a KSA bank has joined hands...

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