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Financial planning with the advent of Corporate Tax in the UAE 

Armin Moradi, Co-founder and CEO at Qashio, speaks to us about financial planning in light of the UAE’s new Corporate Tax and how businesses use technology to manage spending efficiently.   Globally, there has been a shi...

How PropTech is key to unlocking the real estate market 

The real estate industry has often been described as ‘archaic’ when adopting new technology. Helen Mutucumarana, Partner, Real Estate, HCR Hewitsons, speaks to us about the status of this sector in the UK and how innovation – p...

Data management should be at the heart of the UAE financial sector’s Digital T...

Companies in the financial services and banking sector need to be able to meet the changing expectations of today’s customers. Fred Crehan, Area Vice President, Emerging Markets at Confluent, speaks to us about why the U...

Technology Review: How to stop cybercriminals in their tracks 

Derek Manky, Chief Security Strategist & VP Global Threat Intelligence, Fortinet, talks to us about the company’s predictions for technology in 2023 and how businesses can stop cyberattacks before they even s...

Paul Payne, CTO, SaaScada 

We talk to Paul Payne, CTO, SaaScada, about life inside and outside of the office, as well as his predictions for areas of investment within finance.   Can you tell us about your current position?  I joined SaaScada as...

New survey by HID reveals five pressing themes reshaping the security...

Sustainability, mobile IDs and a changing workforce continue to be among top concerns for the industry according to HID’s State of the Security Industry Report. HID, a worldwide leader in trusted identity and physical s...

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